Recipe is from the Muji Recipe Book (pg47)
You'll need a medium size silicone steamer for this
Makes 2 servings
Tofu (momen) 350g (I used a 360g pack)
Leek 1
Garlic 1 clove (I used the squeeze tube, just whatever amount looked right)
Ginger 1 clove? (Again, squeeze tube.)
Ground pork 150g
Starch 2 tsp
Water 1 tbsp
Sesame oil 2 tsp
Miso 1 tbsp
Oyster sauce 1 tbsp
Cooking sake 1 tbsp
Soy sauce 2 tsp
Toubanjan (豆板醤) .5 tsp (You can add more if you like spicy. Just be careful, this stuff is hot!)
How to make:
1. Cut up the tofu and leek into small pieces.
2. Mix the sauce ingredients in the steamer. Add the ground pork and leek. Put on the lid and microwave for 2 minutes, 30 seconds.
3. Stir and add the tofu. Put the lid back on and microwave for 3 minutes.
4. Mix the starch and water. Pour it on while the stuff in the steamer is still hot. Add the sesame oil and mix. Done!
I love my steamer! I really recommend getting one. Muji (No Name Brand store. I would compare it to Target in America, at least by how the stuff looks) has the medium size one for about 1000 yen (a little less than $10 American). They also sell a recipe book for it for another 1000 yen. Everything is super easy and fast. I'd recommend getting it in black though. You can't really tell in the picture, but mine's stained pretty bad in some places. Still works though!
Oh cool! I love mapo tofu! I have the same silicone thing too, and yes, white was a bad choice cos mine was stained just after the 2nd or 3rd time I used it. It's great for baking too!